Payouts and Earnings

Hosts with homey can now calculate their own earnings and get paid by sending payout requests to the admins


Leep a clear overview of how much you earned and all the related payouts

This section allows all registered users as hosts to haveĀ under control their total earnings, the available balance and request payouts from the site administrator.

Payouts requests

As an admin, you will be notified of payout requests submitted by hosts

You can view all the payout requests you received on your Dashboard. The payment status for each request is listed next to the request number.

Payout process

Get all the details about the payout request submitted by the host

For each payout, we provide a detailed breakdown of what is included and the status.

Start building your successful website with Homey

Homey is the perfect starting point to rent online, manage booking requests, manage customers and create a successful business.