Listing management

Listing page settings allows you to manage and list your listings. You can create and maintain all necessary listings in one place with ease.


Easily input your listing information

Full panel designed to input all of your listing information like number of bedrooms, bathrooms, guests, etc.


Set Your Listing Prices

Set up your listing nightly, weekend, long-terms prices and more like additional costs, fees, taxes, and custom period prices.

Media upload

Make your listings stand out with gallery, video and more

Make your listing appealing by uploading gallery images and video with and easy to use drag & drop user interface. 


Organize Your Bookings With A Friendly Booking Calendar

Keep your reservations organized in a friendly booking calendar. It’s fully responsive and looks great on any desktop or mobile device.


Display where your listing is on Google Maps

Display the listing location by using Google Maps in order to let your visitors find your property information.


Show more information about your property

Show more information about the bedrooms of your property, such as number of beds, type of bed, number of guests, etc…

Terms and rules

Define the rules and terms

Define the rules and terms of rent of your listing, check-in, check-out hours, the custom booking lenght and much more.


Make listing details easy with Homey

Complete your listing infomation easily selecting all the features and amenities offered by your place.

Start building your successful website with Homey

Homey is the perfect starting point to rent online, manage booking requests, manage customers and create a successful business.